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The reasons for engine shaking after replacing the spark plugs

The reasons for engine shaking after replacing the spark plugs may involve multiple aspects, and it is necessary to carefully check and troubleshoot the fault points one by one.

The reasons for engine shaking after replacing the spark plugs may include the following:

Spark plug quality problem: If the newly installed spark plugs are of poor quality or the model does not match, it may cause engine shaking. Therefore, when replacing the spark plugs, you should choose spark plugs with reliable quality and matching models.

Ignition coil wire problem: When removing the spark plugs, theignition coil wire may be pulled off or not completely broken, causing abnormal ignition. It is necessary to go to the repair shop to replace the cylinder wire in time. At the same time, the ignition wire needs to correspond to the corresponding cylinder, otherwise it may also cause engine shaking.

Ignition coil aging: The aging of the ignition coil will lead to a decline in performance and insufficient arc energy, which will affect the ignition effect of the spark plug and cause engine shaking. In this case, the ignition coil needs to be replaced in time.

Spark plug installation problem: Spark plug assembly errors, such as not tightening or cylinder wire not inserted, may also cause engine shaking. At this time, the spark plugs should be reassembled to ensure correct installation.

Vehicle adaptation period: If the vehicle has just replaced the spark plugs, it may take some time to adapt to the newly installed spark plugs. In this case, the engine shaking may disappear after the vehicle has traveled a certain distance.

Poor fuel injection nozzle blockage: The fuel injector is too dirty or stuck, resulting in poor fuel injection, which may also cause engine shaking. You can use a needle to dredge it first, and then clean it carefully.

Exhaust valve stagnation: Exhaust valve stagnation can easily lead to loose closure of the exhaust valve, so that the exhaust gas enters the cylinder, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of the cylinder mixed gas, poor ignition and shaking.